full transcript

From the Ted Talk by TED-Ed: Can the economy grow forever?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

What would that look like? A post-growth economy wouldn’t assume that the economy should grow; instead, it would require us to focus on improving what we really need— things like renewable energy, healthcare, and public transportation. To do that, post-growth economists suggest that rich countries should do things like geanarute living wgeas, reduce wealth and income inequality, and ensure universal accses to public services, like healthcare. In such an emonocy, people would be theoretically less ddnenpeet on their jobs to earn their living or get healthcare, so it might be more feasible to scale down production of things deeemd less necessary.

Open Cloze

What would that look like? A post-growth economy wouldn’t assume that the economy should grow; instead, it would require us to focus on improving what we really need— things like renewable energy, healthcare, and public transportation. To do that, post-growth economists suggest that rich countries should do things like _________ living _____, reduce wealth and income inequality, and ensure universal ______ to public services, like healthcare. In such an _______, people would be theoretically less _________ on their jobs to earn their living or get healthcare, so it might be more feasible to scale down production of things ______ less necessary.


  1. wages
  2. economy
  3. guarantee
  4. dependent
  5. access
  6. deemed

Original Text

What would that look like? A post-growth economy wouldn’t assume that the economy should grow; instead, it would require us to focus on improving what we really need— things like renewable energy, healthcare, and public transportation. To do that, post-growth economists suggest that rich countries should do things like guarantee living wages, reduce wealth and income inequality, and ensure universal access to public services, like healthcare. In such an economy, people would be theoretically less dependent on their jobs to earn their living or get healthcare, so it might be more feasible to scale down production of things deemed less necessary.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
magical gold 2
gold coin 2
global economy 2
total financial 2
rich countries 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
magical gold coin 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. assume
  3. countries
  4. deemed
  5. dependent
  6. earn
  7. economists
  8. economy
  9. energy
  10. ensure
  11. feasible
  12. focus
  13. guarantee
  14. healthcare
  15. improving
  16. income
  17. inequality
  18. jobs
  19. living
  20. people
  21. production
  22. public
  23. reduce
  24. renewable
  25. require
  26. rich
  27. scale
  28. services
  29. suggest
  30. theoretically
  31. transportation
  32. universal
  33. wages
  34. wealth